Red Hots
Richard Koci Hernandez of the San Jose Mercury News put together a great multimedia package about the resurgence of rail traffic due to increased imports. It’s a package that really breaks away from the newspaper mindset that a lot of us have. He did both the video and the Flash for “Red Hot Rails.”
Unfortunately, the newspaper mindset still rules the Mercury News web site template. A day after it was published, you can’t easily find it there.
What’s up with that?
If your staff produces something great that will draw traffic over time, make an effort and put it out there for the world to see! Many of the newspapers I look at regularly do the same thing — hide, fritter away, and lose great content. And worse, the special projects are in Flash and don’t get search engine traffic.
Shortly after “Final Salute” won the Pulitzer, it couldn’t be found on the Rocky’s site. Good stuff on our site disappears after 24 hours. At least Dallas’ Katrina and ‘Yolanda’s Crossing’ packages are still on their photo/video page.
C’mon people – the web’s not a broadcast medium!
One Response to “Red Hots”
I always just check to find their multimedia. In fact, I check that before I check the main Merc page.