I resolve to have fun….

January 1, 2014 · Posted in A-Roll 

2014 New Year’s Day polar plunge in Northport, NY from Chuck Fadely on Vimeo.


I’m not big on New Year’s resolutions, but this year I feel a need to make one.

For 2014, I’m going to try to please myself on every shoot.  I work at a place that has formulas and expectations for the videos we produce.  At the risk of getting my ass kicked, I’m going to try to avoid shooting what they expect.  It’s time to have fun.

I started the first day of the year – a day off – by shooting the piece above with a co-worker flying a drone and me shooting with a single 50mm lens (and a GoPro.)  I did it for fun.  I think I’m going to approach every assignment this way.

It’s sometimes very hard to break away from habit and expectations.  But formulas and routines make for boring videos.  What are you going to do to shake things up this year?



One Response to “I resolve to have fun….”

  1. Jonah Kessel on January 1st, 2014 11:50 pm

    Just watched this on Facebook – great use of the drone and technology that could so easily have been standard and boring. I’ve seen this event a thousand times in different places — but never like this!

    I think your attitude above is great. Ill take some of that advice myself.

    Happy New Years Chuck!


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