News, News, News, Animals, Sports, and Sex

July 27, 2008 · Posted in A-Roll 

Lost Remote has a blog entry on the Newark Star Ledger’s not-yet-launched webcast.
Check out the comments at: Another newspaper launches another boring webcast.
Despite deep cuts in every budget, our paper is also going ahead with building a studio for webcasts. I have shared my serious doubts about the traffic we’ll get, but papers in general seem willing to spend money on video.
What’s working at you paper to get video traffic? In our experience, it’s news, news, news, animals, sports and sex. How about you?

(update: Ledger Live launched Monday: )

(update 2: Jeff Jarvis likes it: I have seen the future and its in jersey


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  • Filthy Lucre: I don’t control what ads run here… caveat emptor