FCC bans wireless mics in 700mhz range

August 23, 2008 · Posted in Uncategorized 

A Broadcasting & Cable story notes that “The Federal Communications Commission voted unanimously to prohibit the use of wireless microphones and other devices in the 700-megahertz band after the transition to digital.”

A Washington Post story says that the FCC is going to crack down on wireless mics used by churches and karaoke bars, as well as ban wireless mics in the recently sold spectrum.

“The Federal Communications Commission is proposing a ban on certain types of wireless microphones and has begun an investigation into how the industry markets its products,” the story says.

I am very unclear on what all this means to existing mics, but it looks like some frequency ranges of wireless mics may be in trouble (particularly the Sennheiser block “c” mics and others in the 700mhz range — guess which ones we use?) and they definitely won’t be sold anymore.


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