Promise vs. Reality on the iPad

June 12, 2010 · Posted in Uncategorized 

VIV Mag Interactive Feature Spread – iPad Demo from Alexx Henry on Vimeo.

Before the iPad came out we were promised extraordinary innovation in publishing on the new device. This preview of Viv Magazine is, indeed, extraordinary. But if you go to on an iPad today, months after the new Apple toy hit the streets, what do you get? Nothing. The current issues display in Flash, which, of course, the iPad won’t display. No app to be found, either.

It takes a lot of talent and time to produce compelling content like this and the economics of publishing aren’t in favor of it.

I still hope for the best. Although the AP news app is terrible, the USA Today one is ok.   The New York Times ‘Editors Choice’ app has been updated and just recently added video and it looks great!  And although they aren’t publishers, Vimeo plays video full screen in html5 on the iPad and it’s really nice.


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  • Filthy Lucre: I don’t control what ads run here… caveat emptor